Who is the princple of Expert Decisions?

Evan Morrison is the Principle Consultant of Expert decisions

What is the company name of Expert Decisions?

Expert Decisions is the business name of the Expert & Decision Support Systems Institute. Since it's foundation we've found that may online systems don't handle the entity name length and additionally, we've had clients who have wanted something shorter so we simplified to Expert Decisions

What is the status of Expert Decisions?

Expert Decisions is a not-for-profit based in Wollongong who's intent is to promote the use of AI and decision support systems. In previous efforts to achieve its goals it has provided server hosting for other local NFPs, employment for PhDs studing AI and DSS, and more recently offering mentorship to local researchers

Who is Progression Logic?

Progression Logic is a company that was originally formed by 3 PhD candidates who have since gone on to bigger and better things. Prolog as an entity was wholely purchased by Evan Morrison on behalf of the Demo Test Augy Trust

What's AUGY?

AUGY a commercial entity that has spun out of Expert Decisions. There was a need by the director of Expert Decisions to opporate a for profit entity and AUGY is that entity